Publisher est. 2016
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Sarah Grant

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Sarah is a writer, director and poet of both corporate and creative projects. She currently works as the Film Producer at Edinburgh Napier University. She is also the co-founder of One More Stone Productions, a small film making collective made up of creatives from all over the UK. 

She is also the only Scottish person to be awarded a Sky Academy Arts Scholarship. Between 2016 and 2017 Sarah wrote, directed and animated "The Magic Word", a short film about a little girl's love of reading, that is now in post production. 

When she is not at work or chained to her desk, you can find Sarah in the Waterstones cafe drinking tea and writing stories, or performing spoken word poetry at a variety of nights around Glasgow and Edinburgh.



The boy made of piano keys
Plants his tuning fork feet
Into the mountain and 
Feels the vibrations of the world.

The music that first tempted his platform
Up from the bottom of the sea
Trembles, for he was always 
Melody made muscle
Stops his tuning and takes his time.

For the first time in a while
Lets others hear him play. 


My love life can be summed up 
Into a collection of stories
About me leaving behind my underwear.

I do not leave them deliberately
Like a comic book villain
Leaves a calling card

Although I’m sure they inspire
The same confusion (and sometimes fear)   
I do not leave them as a souvenir, 

Like a pin prick left
On a travellers map,
Although some stories do involve travellers 

(and pricks).

I do not leave them because I am ashamed 
Like the soldiers who leave their weapons
Out to rust after war.

Although, it’s not like 
they have never 
seen violence 

I’m just really forgetful
I leave in a hurry,
Like the bowler who turns 

Away before the ball hits pins
Willing to miss a satisfying strike
To avoid a potential disappointment

I won’t wait to see the light of day. 
So even though sometimes, 
My underwear gets left

In a furnitureless flat in Edinburgh, 
On a beach in Fiji, 
Under the Sydney Bridge, 

It doesn’t matter. 

I remembered to leave, 
With all the important things.